
With the Bugstoppers, you can do a One-Time Treatment as well as an Annual Plans. Having and Annual Plan means we keep you on a schedule to perform pest control on the interior and exterior of the home. Here are a few plans we offer at the Bugstoppers!

Gold Plan
Starting at $1,050
Bi-Monthly Services
(6 services per year)
1 Top Choice Treatment (Guaranteed only for fire ants for 1 year)
2 Mosquito Fogging
Termite Protection Included
20% off all other services!

Silver Plan
Starting at $875
Quarterly Service
(4 services per year)
3 Yard Sprays
1 Mosquito Fog
Termite Protection (+)
15% off all other services

Bronze Plan
Starting at $600
Quarterly Service
(4 services per year)
1 Yard Spray
10% off all other services

Mosquito Free Summer
Starting at $800
With our Mosquito-Free Summer, you'll never have to worry about getting bit while lounging by the pool, at a barbecue, or roasting marshmallows. Having our Mosquito-Free Summer plan means we will fog your property once a month for Mosquitoes. Treatment starts in March and goes all the way through November!

Top Choice (Fire Ants)
Starting at $225
Nobody likes Fire-Ants, let us take care of it. With our Top Choice treatment, we guarantee 1 year with NO Fire Ants!

Starting at $225
Tired of your porch and eaves being covered in Spiders and Webs? Our Web-Out treatment will clean away those old webs and deter spiders from building new ones! This service can also be added to your annual plan.